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How to choose the best digital camera


The most commonly asked questions among people are the following, what digital camera should I buy? Where should I buy it? What is the budget? What is the best digital camera for beginners? Which camera should I upgrade? This is the most commonly asked question plus the most difficult question to be answered. Down below are some of the key things you could consider yourself to buy a camera.
Before starting you always have to remember that all cameras have the same features, so consider carefully the points before deciding which one to buy.


What do you like to photograph?
What do you enjoy most photographing? This is what you have to ask yourself before thinking of buying a camera. Whether it is

Night or astrophotography
Street photography
lowers or close-ups
Photographing your kids or grandkids
Travel photos
Nature or landscapes
Events, or weddings
Food, including your dinner for your Instagram and Facebook profiles.


You have to know the type of photography before you select or choose the type of camera you are going to buy.

DSLRs (with interchangeable lenses)
Mirrorless or four-thirds of cameras (with interchangeable lenses)
Compact cameras (this includes both Point & Shoot AND bridge cameras, neither of which have interchangeable lenses)
Smartphones (you may already have one of these)
Speciality cameras like GoPro, drones, or dedicated video cameras


Cameras for specific subjects

Every camera is made unique for the type of photography. You have to be very concerned and careful before selecting which camera you are going to buy. You have to be very determined in selecting which one you are going to buy.
Flowers or close-ups (DSLR, mirrorless, or compact – but if you’re really serious about doing this, then opt for one of the first two)
Your kids (DSLR or mirrorless)
Travel photos (mirrorless or compact)
Nature or landscapes (DSLR, mirrorless, or compact)
Wildlife (DSLR or mirrorless)
Sports (DSLR or mirrorless)
Portraits (DSLR, mirrorless, or compact – but you’ll have a harder time using the latter)
Events or weddings (DSLR or mirrorless)
Food, including your dinner for IG and Facebook (compact camera or just use your phone)
Street photography (mirrorless or compact – more on this later!)
What your budget is?
Whatever your consideration is, the first thing that comes to your mind is the price tag. Cameras with the best lenses and more whistles cost more. The more parts a camera has, the more expensive it is.


What is the level of your photography skill?

The first question you would be asked is, are you a starter, are you an intermediate or are you are professional?

How you answer the question being above asked will determine which digital camera you will be explained to buy with.

How will you share images?
This is all about the size of your photo. Every year or even month the megapixels of a camera is getting changed, you have to multiply and consider the size of the image before selecting it.


The above mentioned are the key tips or even factors that would help you to choose which camera to buy, depending on whether you are a beginner or an intermediate. Always remember what you are passionate you are about.

At the end of the day, you have to be only passionate about which photography you are going to dive in with. Let me know down below in the comment section if the above mentioned key points and facts were helpful to you.

Be passionate about what you do, stay clearly focused on what you do. This is how things work out on choosing which camera to buy, the price of the camera you select to buy does not matter, what does really matter is the way you take the photograph and how passionate you are towards photography.

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